Full Body Skincare Tips

Summer is rolling around, and it’s all about body-ody-ody. Okay, maybe not, but as the temperature increases, we’re getting ready to throw off a few layers and embrace the summer months and invest some time in full body skincare. Although my cleansing philosophy means that we’ve to cleanse from the nipples up, there’s a lot of skin below the nip that might be getting a bit side-lined, particularly when we’re bundling ourselves into our winter garments. Now is the perfect time to get very 360 about our skincare – top to bottom (cheeky), caring about and nourishing every centimetre of it.  

Caring for our bodies can mean a lot of different things.  

It’s probably there all along, but summertime might remind you to tackle a little thing called keratosis pilaris. It goes by many names, but here’s one you might know a little better – chicken skin. This is a skin condition which causes tiny harmless bumps which might occur on your arms, thighs, or bum, even.  

Keratosis pilaris is usually a result of a build-up of keratin. This is the main protein in your skin. Sometimes, it can form a plug which blocks the opening of the hair follicle. If several plugs form, then it gives the appearance of red bumps which we call KP.  

KP can affect children and adults, and is no cause for concern (although of course if you do have any concerns, then be sure to get in touch with your healthcare practitioner!). It can be a nuisance, particularly if you’re seeking to show off your arms in the pleasant weather and are feeling bummed out at the appearance of KP. Never fear, there’s an easy fix! 
How do we clear away blocked pores? 

We exfoliate, that’s how. It’s not just for our faces. A salicylic-acid based cleanser can be used on areas of the body which are suffering from KP, but be sure to be careful when you’re rinsing it off – not every bit of you loves salicylic acid!

You can use Skingredients Sally Cleanse for this task. Sally contains 2% salicylic acid, the highest amount usable in an EU cosmetic product. It penetrates deeply into pores and helps to dissolve blockages there.

A glycolic acid cleanser would also be suitable here, giving double purpose to the product you choose for your face. I could suggest the Murad AHA/BHA cleanser here.  

Use exfoliating acids sparingly, and as recommended to avoid irritating skin. 

When it comes to exfoliating the other bits of your body, you don’t have to stop there. You can also use exfoliating acids to tackle areas of hardened skin – like on your heels, or your elbow.   

Moisturising Skin 

We pay a lot of attention to our faces, and it stands to reason. It's easy to neglect the rest of our skin until it starts causing us grief. Weather, extra showering, pregnancy, even certain medications can make our skin more dry or prone to itchiness or discomfort. If you’re finding that the warmer weather is wreaking havoc, then I have a few suggestions for nerdily loved body products.  

NeoStrata Bionic Lotion 

This body product is a life-saver. It is fragrance free and suitable for all skin in need of moisturising. It’s suitable for skin in need of intense hydration too, and is suitable for use by hoomans with eczema, psoriasis and xeroses. It is intensely comforting from the moment you smooth it on. Although it’s advisable to apply directly after a shower, it’s also suitable for use through the day if you’re suffering with very irritated skin.  

It is formulated with 12% gluconolactone and 3% lactobionic acid, a lightly exfoliating polyhydroxy acid, which is so gentle that it’s truly suitable for all skin. It also contains vitamin E to soothe and moisturise, as well as pairing with free radicals to neutralise them.  

It helps skin to feel and look healthier and more radiant and can even reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.    

Neostrata Bionic Lotion is available with 20% off on theskinnerd.com!

If you prefer a silkier texture, then we might recommend Environ Derma-Lac Body Lotion. This is a lactic-acid based product, which is suitable for helping to exfoliate away any bumpiness on the skin! 

What is dry brushing?  

Dry brushing is an ancient technique that is usually performed before you shower or take a bath, and it’s pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. It’s brushing the body with a brush in a particular pattern which prompts lymphatic drainage and helps to exfoliate the skin. While I don’t advocate dry brushing for the face and usually ascribe to a much more delicate menu of treatments for the face, it can do wonders for the body.  

SPF all over 

It’s not just for your face – it's important to apply SPF to all sun-exposed skin, particularly in the summer months. Picking the right SPF for your skin all over is very important. The more you like your SPF, the more likely you are to wear it religiously. According to irishskin.ie, you should apply a teaspoonful of SPF to each of your limbs, at least. While less can be more, it’s not really the case with SPF.  

Turn the taps down 

Extreme heat and extreme cold are not loved by the skin. Turning the thermostat down on your shower or bath is an excellent (and simple) way to be kind to your skin. Irish hoomans do enjoy the scalding temperatures, but when it comes to keeping our skin feeling cool and fancy-free during the summer months, turn it down! 

Products in this Article

  • Murad AHA/BHA Exfoliating Cleanser
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  • Environ Derma-Lac Body Lotion 200ml
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  • Neostrata Bionic Lotion
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